This is someone who is disabled person or a person who needs extra support due to their illness, disability, long term health condition that need extra support to live a good happy healthy life.
A broker is an independent company which supports the Individual Employer with their employer duties for a small cost which is factored into their budget. A broker will manage the budget including payroll, tax and national insurance payments, annual leave and parental leave. Some brokers offer support with advertising and recruiting PAs.
A carer can be somebody looking after a loved one with an impairment, disability or illness, but can also be a paid job employed by a care agency or nursing/residential home. A carer usually has set tasks to fulfil which are mostly medication dispensing, moving and handling, breakfast and bedtime support. The work plan is set out by the agency and not the individual receiving the support. A carer assists multiple people with disabilities/impairments, and home visits can be as little as 15-30 minutes, often with a different carer visiting every day!.
A care plan is very often used by the NHS to look at what medical care you need to stay safe and well.
The clinical commissioning group is your local health body that looks over all the NHS services where you live or work for example, your GP surgery’s and the district nurses teams and is responsible for the administration of Personal health budgets PHB.
A Direct payment is where social services will allocate a number of hours for typical activity or tasks for example you may employ a PA for 5 hours a day or week and only for this purpose as set out by social services and a social worker .
An education health and care plan, is a plan that supports young people up from 0-25 that live with a disability or long term health conditions. The plan supports them within education health and care. It identifies the extra support or provision that they may require the plan comes under the children and family’s at of 2014. Each local authority has a duty of care to follow their legal duties under the act.
A Individual Budget or Combined Budget is a budget where more then one funding pot comes together in one single budget to support an individual in the community or in education, for example, funds can be from social care but you also need some support with your medical needs to live with the right support for you and be fully in control.
An Individual Employer is a person who receives a budget from either Health, Education or Social Care, but can sometimes be self-funded. The Individual Employer can use their budget to employ their own PAs to support them with daily living. If a budget holder doesn’t have capacity, their next of kin or member of family act as the Individual Employer. Many people prefer to employ their own PAs because it gives them more control over their own lives.
The local authority is the formal way that professionals and systems refer to as your local council that you live in or where you are from its also refers to local government.
A managed account is where a budget either from Health, Education or Social Care, or self-funded. Is paid directly into a bank account where the individual can manage their budget however it is more commonly used by a broker who is managing the funds on the individuals behalf.
An example of personalisation is a service that is personalised to the person requiring support.
A PA is a person who is employed directly by an individual who is a disabled person or someone who requires support with daily living. They are mostly funded by a Personal Budget, Direct Payment or Personal Health Budget. A PA offers person centred support to the individual, providing a more flexible and varied role. The right PA can provide the opportunity for a genuine social bond.
Personalised care is a term the NHS uses about personal health treatments. For example, what matters to you, when you’re visiting the GP/hospital, or when using a PHB.
Person centred or person centred planning originated from Canada and USA in the late 80s although the model was thought up with much earlier person -centred puts the person in the middle of their own life and looks at what they can do rather than what they can not do and looks at the persons dreams there are lots of person -centred planning tools. The rules of person -centred are the plan stays with the person and does not go to any other services. you can not plan with someone if you have not had a plan done yourself.
A personal Budget is where a budget is agreed along with yourself and a social worker to identify a need that will allow you to keep healthy safe and well at home in your local community the budget is then set out in a plan that is set out by you and your family and friends, then is agreed by social services you can for example, purchase equipment or a swimming membership or you can hire a PA has a identifying need in your plan with a PB. You can spend the budget on more then one activity as long as it is in your plan and is not illegal . Some social workers may often still refer to a direct payment as an personal budget we hope that we have Showed the difference between the two .
A personal health budget is a budget what comes directly from the NHS to support individuals with a long- term medical condition and life limiting condition to stay safe and well at home in the community with the PHB you can acquire equipment the will enable you to move around your home easier. You can also employ your own PA’s to assist you with your medical needs and day to day activities you can also spend the budget that will benefit you for example you could go for a massage or book some sessions with a specialised physiotherapist.
A pre paid card, is where a individuals allocated hours from social care is uploaded onto a bank like card so you can pay for your support which is overseen by social services. You will also have to submit proof of payment.
A self funder is a Individual who funds there own support with their own personal funds .
A support worker is employed by an organisation to provide support with daily living activities to disabled people or people with a Learning disability, severe impairments in a person centred way, similar to a role of a PA. A support worker will often support a number of individuals.